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Boost AI Search vs Searchspring

Evaluate the differences between Boost AI Search & Discovery and Searchspring to decide which solution best fits your Shopify store.
4.8 out of 5 rating on
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Enhance discovery

AI-powered search

Improve the shopping experience by utilizing Boost AI to make product discovery easier, faster & more enjoyable.
Upsell & drive sales

Smart product recommendation

Automatically recommend products that your customers are most likely to buy during their shopping experience to boost conversion rates & drive more sales.
Optimize listings

Visual merchandising

Optimize product placement on search & collection pages to meet sales objectives. Use strategic promotions, demotions or exclusions in line with your sales campaigns.
Streamline shopping experience

Navigation & filters

Enhance each collection & results page by customizing filters that include advanced options like tag & metafield filtering.
Why choose Boost over Searchspring

Our customers love us

Simple integration. Affortable AI solution. Flexible pricing. Highly customizable.
"We moved back to Boost app after two years and cannot be happier with user friendly dashboard and the support we have been receiving."
Bevilles Jewellers
"The app has proven to be a game-changer for my business. The AI-powered search feature intelligently understands customer queries."
"They seem to do most (if not all) of what Searchspring does, but at a fraction of what Searchspring charges."
Ken & Dana Design
"The app offers all kinds of possibilities, provides a great added value for the store and is well structured."
World of Trout
"We moved back to Boost app after two years and cannot be happier with user friendly dashboard and the support we have been receiving."
Bevilles Jewellers
"The app has proven to be a game-changer for my business. The AI-powered search feature intelligently understands customer queries."
"They seem to do most (if not all) of what Searchspring does, but at a fraction of what Searchspring charges."
Ken & Dana Design
"The app offers all kinds of possibilities, provides a great added value for the store and is well structured."
World of Trout
"We moved back to Boost app after two years and cannot be happier with user friendly dashboard and the support we have been receiving."
Bevilles Jewellers
"The app has proven to be a game-changer for my business. The AI-powered search feature intelligently understands customer queries."
"They seem to do most (if not all) of what Searchspring does, but at a fraction of what Searchspring charges."
Ken & Dana Design
"The app offers all kinds of possibilities, provides a great added value for the store and is well structured."
World of Trout
Feature comparison

Compare Boost vs Searchspring

Compare Boost AI Search & Discovery with Searchspring to understand why we are the ideal solution for you.

Boost AI Search & Discovery

Searchspring Search & Discovery

Search functionality enhancement
1-click setup
Need to request demo call
Instant suggestion
Semantic search
In-scoped suggestion
Instant search layouts
3 layouts with multiple settings
Fixed layout
Search box OnClick
Custom search suggestion dictionary
AI-powered plus manual setup
AI-powered plus manual setup
Stop words
Search redirect
Algorithms for search relevancy
Searchable properties
Search analytics
Search result optimization
'No Results' workaround
Display variants as separate products
In-collection search
Search merchandising
Various rules
Various rules

Boost AI Search & Discovery

Searchspring Search & Discovery

Recommendation widget placement
Recommendation widget on homepage
Recommendation widget on collection pages
Recommendation widget on product pages
Recommendation widget on cart pages
Recommendation configuration and management
Number of recommendation types
9 (7 types available for all plans)
7 (only available on Expert plans)
Number of recommendation blocks on a page
Rule-based recommendation models
AI-based recommendation models
Display recommended products as bundles
Manual recommendation
Analytics and optimization
Recommendation analytics

Boost AI Search & Discovery

Searchspring Search & Discovery

Product ranking and management
Global rules
Boost products based on multiple attributes
Filter products based on multiple attributes
Pin products based on multiple attributes
Demote products based on multiple attributes
Hide products based on multiple attributes
Merchandising rules application
Campaign scheduling
Landing Pages
Inline Banner
Apply merchandising rules to all searches
Apply merchandising rules to a collection
Select date range for merchandising rules
Use multiple attributes to create rules
Preview and publishing
Preview before publishing
Auto configuration

Boost AI Search & Discovery

Searchspring Search & Discovery

Product attribute filtering
Filter by any product attributes
Limit for filter options
No limit
No limit
Different filter trees for different collections
Rearrange & merge option values of a filter
Filter display and interaction
Display filter
Add tooltips, search box
Customization and configuration
Filter layouts
7 for desktop, 5 for mobile
Merge option values of a filter
Filter by any product attributes
Custom sorting by product attributes
URL settings
Merchandising and product display
Merchandising on collection pages
Display variants as separate products
Analytics and optimization
Analytics for filter usage

I've tried three or four other search apps which were all fine however Product Filter & Search covered all the bases and is the best fit for my business. Looking forward to continuing to work with these guys.

The Organic Butcher of McLean

Boost Commerce has been great to work with! They offer high-value apps that help grow our eCommerce business. They also have a responsive and professional staff that's always happy to assist if needed.

Urquid Linen

Great app, extremely powerful and useful way to enable users to find their products in an efficient manner. Support is quick and always have resolved any issues we have had...and there have been very few.


Our people make all the difference

Our team builds solutions enhancing your site's product search & discovery while also providing exceptional customer support to achieve results quickly & effortlessly.

Your success partner

Focus on running your business while we support you with dedication & innovative solutions to optimize your store's conversions.

Top-rated expert support

Our dedicated team of experts ensures a seamless setup process & is always available to help you & answer your questions.

Ahead in innovation

Through ongoing learning, our AI maintains its leading role in Shopify search, personalization & product recommendation.